Twist Comics is a website where we offer you original digital comics that you can only find here and in digital format, at least during the first months of our journey/adventure.
Behind Twist Comics there is no large media publishing group doing market research to offer what they think is commercial, only creative people willing to tell the stories that they want without any censorship or corporate control.
In Twist Comics, every week you´ll find a new digital comic with a short story that you can read for free for a limited time of four weeks. Stories are completely self-contained, and each week they will radically change genre, tone and style of drawing.
We hope that your weekly dose of Twist Comics will be an exciting and pleasant surprise.
In addition, monthly longer comics for sale will be published.
Some will be original stories longer than weekly free comics.
Others, collections of already published weekly free comics that are related thematically, and are no longer available for free.
The first long titles that you can find are:
You can purchase these comics for only 0,99 Euros, and they will have a content of at least 21 pages. You can choose the format (CBR, CBZ and PDF) in any of these four languages: Spanish, English, French and Mandarin Chinese.
Thank you for joining us on this adventure!